
A Whispering Rose (Summer Rose X Reader)

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BritishFalcon's avatar

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RWBY belongs to Rooster Teeth.
You belong to you.
I own nothing, sad I know.

I set down the crimson blanket on the soft grass, placing down the basket I had been carrying. Taking in a deep breath I turned towards the large stone slab, words beautifully carved into it, like art.

(Y/N): Hey Summer. How are you?

I patiently waited for the reply that in my mind I knew would never come, but in my heart needed so desperately to hear. And, as I guessed, no reply came. The only sounds here where the soft whisperings of the wind and the small chirps of the birds, sometimes I liked to think that these sounds were Summers way of talking to me. As if she wanted to reply, but the restrictions of mortality and life kept us apart, like a wall that was everywhere, only crossable by those who had lost their place on Earth.

(Y/N): Well, if you wanted to know how I am, I'm good. You know, Ruby has got into Beacon, and two years early no less. She's like a star in some ways, burning so brightly, fighting so fiercely. She's like you in a lot of ways.

It was true, Ruby was a constant light, always there to push me out of the darkness, and into the light. Never did she stop, or look back. Although I think she misses Summer just as much as I do, I think that's why she likes strawberries so much, they remind her of Summer. She used to always put them in food, from cookies to salad and all in between. Looking down at the basket I slowly opened it, revealing a small collection of the previously mentioned fruit. Picking one of them up I placed it in my mouth, savouring the juices and the sweet tastes, although somehow they always seemed sweeter in Summer's delicacies.

(Y/N): Well, I think I'm almost out of time, as always, I want you to have this.

Reaching to the bottom of the basket I took out a piece of red fabric wrapped around something. I began to slowly untangle the fabric from the item, taking care not to damage the gift within. Inside was a simple white rose, untainted by the corruption of the world and unparalleled in its beauty. I placed the rose at the base of the slab, seeing the small traces of roses that I'd left here before.

(Y/N): Goodbye for now Summer, I love you.

I collected the blanket and the basket, ready to return home. Turning around I saw my crimson cloaked daughter, smiling sadly.

Ruby: Hey dad...

(Y/N): Hey Petal. Come on, let's go, you have to go to Beacon tomorrow.

Ruby: Yeah..

As we walked through the forest I could've sworn I heard the wind whisper in my ear...

I love you too.
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Msm6's avatar

Oh god, that was so lovely, holy fuck my heart.